Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Artist Lecture: Leigh Wen

Okay, so not necessarily a lecture, I didn't have the opportunity to see her speak (because of prior plans), but I did encounter her work at Red Door Gallery and really felt the need to discuss her work. Leigh Wen, with her new body of work, entitled "Flow", captures the fluidity of water through her intricate brush strokes. I really got engaged with her work because she seems to share the same passions with the elements of nature as myself. She also paints other elements such as fire, air, and earth, but the paintings that really got me interested in her work were the ones including water. Its not only the precise brush strokes that capture my attention, but the color, which really makes the large scale paintings believable. To me, the scale really helps in the overwhelming sensation I get when viewing her artwork. The large scale of the paintings really allows me to look deep into the painting, which gives me an idea of how much time and effort went into the artists interpretation of the ocean. The portrays the ocean at different times usually a full range of colors in her palette which has to be one of my favorite features. I also like how you can key into one section of the painting, which gives it a really colorful, abstract feel, but when stepping back, you see how each winding brush stroke connects to form a whole, the ripples in an emencse body of water. I really love the paintings and recommend everyone to check out these paintings, they really connect to me in a deep part, I have a close affinity to the ocean, as many others do.

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