Sunday, December 2, 2007

One Down

I had to give my presentation of sports photography to the class this past Thursday. I thought it turned out well, even though I was a little nervous at times, and probably could've been a little bit better spoken. Its no mystery that I have a huge passion for sports, and surround myself around them every waking moment, either photographing or watching ESPN, its a big part of who I am. I just feel with the amount of research I did, I could have expressed my thoughts a little clearer, but based on the people in my class, they all know how I feel and the amount of work I put into this semester. I'm confident I'll do well in the class, and I'm really excited about the internship I'll be doing this upcoming semester with Scott Brown too. He should be able to learn a lot more about the business and things I need to focus on to be successful within the field. I guess the next step is to shoot two more games that I have coming up this week, both VCU basketball. I'm assisting Scott for one of the games, so I probably won't get any of my own photos out of that game, but I'll get to help setup some remote cameras, which I'm really excited about. Can't wait to be able to do that kind of stuff on my own. For the other game though, I'd like to see if I can borrow that 60mm f2.8 from Scott, so I can get some good shots for the game I am shooting, I want one more opportunity to get some new photos for my final critique on the 12th. Pretty excited about that, except the fact we're presenting to the first class, not our own. But I guess I do need to be able to present to a different crowd and talk about my work, shouldn't be too bad. The photos have been turning out really well, and I've gotten a bunch of good feedback on it, so I'm happy. I'm just ready to wrap this semester, and get it all done with so I finally have some time to relax and do stuff for myself, like finally get my portfolio site up. I want to shoot a bunch of sports over the break, hopefully some VCU basketball, I don't plan on spending a whole lot of time in Charlottesville this break, I want to work a lot and hopefully get some money in my pocket.

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