Friday, October 19, 2007


Giving thought about my presentation, I started thinking about different aspects of my photographs. How I was going to present them, what photographers I find myself relating to the most, just research more of less. Thinking scale, I've had a little bit of a tough time figuring out what size to print. First I had thought about printing big, maybe poster sized prints, but when weighing the pros and cons, I feel my photographs would be better off on a little smaller scale. Shooting with my Nikon D70, there were a few drawbacks, one being I could only shoot 1600 as the fastest IS0, it made some of my prints a little on the grainy side, I shot at a high resolution, but the majority of the time the shots I'm photographing either wind up a website or a magazine, not printed any bigger than 11" x 17", so I don't see much reason to sacrifice print quality to enlarge a photo to that scale. Even in the ESPN magazines, the photos that typically wind up on the front cover or full page spreads are portraits of athletes, which are shot in studio, with a high MP digital camera. My other idea was to take multiple photographs from a specific game and create a page layout, as if it were in a magazine. I've experimented with text, but still pretty new to it, could be a good opportunity to mess around. Thats something I can address to the class during the presentation, because its only a working critique, I don't think its that big of a deal not knowing exactly what I want out of the final presentation, I have time to work everything out, just so long as the photographs are good to go.

The editing has been going well, I have about 10 images set out that I want to work with so far. I still need to sort through some of my new images from the past 2 games, I've been swamped with web design and presentations for class that I haven't had time to really work on those ones, seeing its fall break, its a perfect time to catch up on some of that. I have a game I'm shooting tomorrow at 1 PM, so I'll have to download prior to that event, it'll give me a chance to go over those and the images from tomorrows game. I can also just make sure that I have 5 images ready to print for tuesday's critique. I'm not so worried though, I've been shooting a bunch, besides that games that are away, rainy, or night games, but I shoot every chance I get. I'll probably also wind up shooting some tomorrow for Shop RVA, I can just finish up some photographs of Chop Suey and a few other plans after I finish the game, while I'm still in the zone.

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