Friday, August 31, 2007

New Lens Has Arrived

My new lens just arrived today, I feel like a kid in a candy store, absolutely can't wait to go out shooting with it. Got a soccer game coming up against Virginia Tech tonight, its a perfect opportunity to take it out for a spin. Not expecting to have amazing pictures the first time out. I have done some sports photography in the past, but i'm no professional at the moment. I'm pretty technically sound, probably going to show up a little early, watch the end of the first game so I can get the ISO, white balance, and everything set up. That way, when its game time, I have nothing to worry about but minor tweaks. Not too worried about it, just going to go out and have fun, try and get the best pictures I can, haven't gotten passes yet from VCU Athletics, so i'm going to just get as close as I can, and enjoy it. I plan to go shooting for sunday's soccer game as well, so I think tonight I'll set the bar low, get a feel for the lens. The more I go out, the better I'm going to get, so I'm just gonna go for it this semester/year. The only way I'm going to make it happen is just stay motivated and do it. I'm making some good contacts, lets see where I can take it.

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