Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Same Ol'

Song that inspired today:
Colouring Lesson - Nothing New

Hence, the song of the day, nothing was overly exciting today. I really just wanted to write to give updates on the latest for my work. I think my meeting with Paul went well the other day, really it was just getting on the same page with everyone. He didn't seem to have any complaints about my work, really with sports, theres only one thing you can do: shoot, and shoot more. The more events you photograph, the more chance you have of getting great images. He wants me to narrow down the images out of my last event (soccer games), next step after that is just editing. I haven't started that process yet, been busy with keeping up with other classes, so that is on the agenda for tomorrow after the mandatory artist lecture. One, narrow down images, and two, start the editing process.

Stretch's class tonight went well also, the content for the class seems boring to most people, but honestly, i'm really into it. Copyrights and knowing the rights of you and your images is vital if you're going to work in the field, which I fully intend on doing. He's also trying to help me out getting me into contact with working sports photographers (part of the class). I'm working on getting into contact with Walter Iooss Jr., basically he's the MAN! Hopefully, I can get into contact with him for my interview to present to class. His work really inspires me, and being able to contact someone that you really admire gives you a big boost in motivation and confidence. Being able to speak with him and find out where he's coming from really brings them down to your level, we all started out on the bottom, and keeping that in mind really helps. Stretch has also given me help with trying to get into contact with Scott Brown, who is a sports photographer working in the area. Its always nice to speak with working artists in the area, local always helps because theres always the option of meeting them in person.

I'm really happy with the way classes are going right now, seems that I've really stepped up this semester, so far at least. Being my senior year, my time has really been geared towards my work, grades, and finally GRADUATING! My photography is a great motivator, so is my future. I really think that keeping myself on track with sporting events and knowing I have work to do helps big time. Having the responsibility of showing up to events and having a sober mind to work, can't show up to work hungover, especially with artwork, really need a clear mind to keep focused. Keeps me home during the evenings. I usually am a social guy, also not afraid of some beers on the weekdays, but lately I've taken a lot more incentive to keep with my photography. I haven't been drinking as much, knowing that I have work to do, which is great, because I have abused substances in the past, drinking specifically. This should be a good year.

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